some work I've done

Developed, managed, and/or launched hundreds of websites of varying sizes in fast-paced agency environments with timelines from days to months.

Launched a dozen government websites for orgs, departments, and elected offices, working as a web vendor.

Designed and project managed the development of phone carrier billing software and several mobile games.

Built automated dashboards to monitor and parse natural language approval threads to ensure nothing went overlooked in graphic design and ad scheduling pipelines moving at peak times 500+ deliverables in a week.

Established and managed efficient product pipelines for designers and developers across numerous platforms :
Basecamp, Trello, Jira, Airtable, Notion, Asana, etc

my domain

I thrive in looser roles requiring creativity and resourcefulness— assessing and establishing structure for people, projects, and products.

  • observing patterns
  • anticipating needs
  • problem solving
stylized photo of downtown Indianapolis Indiana

management philosophy

Coming from my own dev background, I trust my teams to get things done without heavy oversight and I care more about deadlines and results than the path taken.

I keep my focus on removing potential obstacles on the horizon and protecting precious time for an efficient team to stay in the flow.

hot takes

To-Do lists are fundamentally flawed : tasks should be scheduled or done in the moment.

All work needs to be documented : sometimes documentation itself becomes the product of work performed.

Behavioral assessments show half the story : when building teams the most important attributes can't be tested.

language I avoid

  • “is it done yet?”
  • “is it ready?”
  • “how close are you?”
  • “...could we JUST...”

language I promote

  • “any concerns or blockers?”
  • “is the deadline feasible?”
  • “is it on schedule?”
  • “ that in scope?”

about me personally

I've taken copious amounts of notes all my life and have tried every system but my current setup is :

I have no OS allegiances and regularly use Macs, PCs, and Linux boxes.

While studying Computer Graphics at Purdue University I worked on a bunch of 2D and low-poly 3D games for now-defunct platforms such as :
Adobe Flash, Microsoft XNA, and early Sony smartphones

In my free time I enjoy Sci-Fi movies, psychology books, TTRPGs, freshly ground AeroPress coffee, and spending time with my partner, friends, and three(3) cats in Indianapolis, IN.